Sunday, April 10, 2011

Linky Party!

Pernickety Pickles is hosting a linky party in which you have to tell about 7 of your favorite things that are totally non-teaching related.  Come up!

 Here are my 7...
1.  I love cherry chip cake!

2.  Cake balls made with cherry chip cake and cherry frosting are even better!

3.  McDonald's Iced Teas!

4.  Snow Days
(Not technically a teaching related item since you can't teach on a snow day!)

5.  Anything from Gymboree for my kids!

6.  The Twilight Books
(I've read them twice!)

7.  Last, but not least...My Family


1 comment:

  1. I have got to figure out how to make cake pops! yours look heavenly!

    :) thanks for playing!
