Friday, June 17, 2011

Vistaprint...Free and Fun! Plus a freebie!

As I was cleaning and packing after our last day with kids today, I came across some things I made using Vistaprint for the beginning of the year.  If you have not discovered Vistaprint yet, you are missing the boat!  Vistaprint has thousands of templates to make tons of free and fun "business" type items like labels, postcards, magnets, etc.  Teachers have gotten creative and started using the company to make things for the classroom.  When you make a free item, you only have to pay for shipping!  Shipping is a little crazy high, but totally worth every penny.  Here are a few things I have made:

  These are small business card magnets that I pass out to the parents on Curriculum Night.

 Next, my kiddos' book shopping lists.  I made these using a postcard template.  I laminate them so I can use permanent marker to write the child's level and amount of books I would like them to take.  Using a magic eraser, (someone is genius who invented those!) I change their level each time the kids are retested.  The kids keep these cards in their reading bags.  Below is a picture of the back of the card.  I just added each child's name with a label.

This is the front and back of a post card my kids and parents fill out at our Meet and Greet sessions before school starts.  (I tried and tried rotating that pic. and had no such luck.  I even took the picture straight, but blogger liked to rotate it for some reason.  Don't you hate when that happens?)

One more thing for today...and a freebie.
I explained to my kids that the kindergartners coming next year will want to know all about their new teacher, me!  So, my kids filled out a form about me and their first grade classroom.  I plan on putting them out at our Meet and Greet in the summer for the new families to read.