Friday, December 30, 2011

Winter Reading Incentive & A Freebie

I'm gearing up to go back to school on the about you?  As soon as we get back, it is time for my annual Blizzard of Books Challenge!  If you live in a place where you get snow up to your knees and temperatures that would scare a polar bear, you know how often your kiddos get outside to let off some steam in the winter.  They get all holed up inside playing the Wii or watching TV when we are praying and wishing that they would {just this once} read a book.  My Blizzard of Books has helped spark the love of reading in my students for the last 10 years!!!  Even if they only get fired up during the months of January and February, it is totally worth every minute!  And then, thankfully, comes March is Reading month to hold them over for one more month.  : )

Click on the picture below to find out more!

And for a little freebie for those of you who need a quick and easy math center for Chinese New on the picture below to grab it up!


Happy New Year!!!!!


  1. So cute!!! Thanks for sharing!!1

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Ooh, Blizzard of Books sounds fun! I have to get that! :)

  3. One more thing to go on my wishlist! Thank you for your amazing activities! I have LOTS and LOTS of penguin and snowmen *freebies* if you want to come grab them!

    Heather's Heart
