Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Heart of a Reading Conference

Before we get started with the nitty-gritty of a reading conference...go check out how Andrea over at Stepping Into First Grade adapted my "If I Was a Snowman" art activity!  {My daughter is the} 

Don't forget to come back here...I have some more "Kate" wisdom to share with you.  If you haven't been with me very long, you will want to type in "Kate" in the search option to your right to read more about our amazing district reading coach!

Once a month or so, Kate comes to our staff meeting to present on a reading workshop topic.  This past week, it was on conferring...the HARDEST part of reading workshop in my opinion!  Our morning staff meetings are only 25 minutes, so it was a quick overview/reminder of what we should be doing during a reading conference.

When you meet with a reader, you first have to decide what you are going to teach during your 5 minute (approx.) conference.  Once you decide what you are going to teach, you can go about the teaching 3 different ways.  We'll start with the easiest and move to the hardest...

1.  Coaching/Guided Practice:  the teacher can remind the child of a previously taught strategy, the reader tries the strategy, the teacher prompts and gives tips as the reader tries the strategy.

2.  Example and Explanation:  the teacher chooses a strategy that has previously been taught and reminds the reader of the example from the previous lesson about that strategy, the teacher can then show the child another way to use the strategy or how to come at it from a different angle, the reader then tries it on his/her own.

3.  Demonstration (this is the hardest for teachers to execute properly):  the teacher says to the child "I am going to teach you {insert strategy here} and watch me as I {blank}."  The teacher could use a mentor text to think aloud through the process.  The teacher is the reader, IN the moment.  The teacher then restates what the child should have noticed.  The reader then can try this strategy out on his/her own.

I like to use the demonstration teaching option when I am working on fluency with a child.  For example, I would say: "listen to me read these 2 pages (I would read), then "let's read it together" (child and I will read the same 2 pages together), then "let me hear you do it on your own now" (child reads the same 2 pages alone).

To help me remember the 3 different options of teaching during a conference, I made this:

You can click on the image to download it using Google Docs if you are interested.  I am going to put them in the inside cover of my conference notebook to help me remember.  I  made the most important one the biggest for an extra reminder!

I know this post isn't all glittery and crafty, but sometimes I feel like I have to get my #1 passion out there...teaching reading to little ones...I hope you enjoyed!


Miss Foote said...

I love this! SO cute and helpful. I just posted a reading conference freebie.

Chickadee Jubilee

Sandra said...

I love the stars! Thanks!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First

Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

The stars are fantastic! Thanks for such a great explanation :)

Lisa :)
Made in the Shade in Second Grade

Lauren Morse said...

I love reading conferences. I think they are so much more valuable than reading groups (if only my reading coach agreed!). I do them everyday!

Barbara L said...

Thank you. This is an excellent reminder.
Grade ONEderful

Primary Junction said...

I am sharing the Versatile Blogger Award with you! Hop on over to my blog to pick up the button and get the rules!

Primary Junction

Unknown said...

Thanks for this! Im your newest follower!

Michelle said...

Thanks! This looks great.


Unknown said...

I love reading conferences. Thanks so much for your post! I just "tagged" you on my blog! Come over and take a look and join the fun!

Teaching First

Unknown said...

Your blog is wonderful. I just started blogging and have to follow you. I just got my master's degree in reading- it's my passion.

hsamuelson said...

Just to say Thanks for all you do to share your resources with the rest of us…You've been awarded the Lovely Blog Award…Please hop over and take a look! You're thought of in a very special way!
Swamp Frog First Graders Lovely Blog Award

Dee said...

The stars are great!

I'm passing the Lovely Blog Award to you. Come over to my blog to pick it up.

First Impressions