Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bees, Bees and More Bees

I happily decided to go into school this past Monday to start working in my classroom only to find out that summer school was held in my room and the custodians were not finished cleaning.  I can't get in until this following Monday...that leaves me one week until PD meetings start!  I always panic, but it will get done...

So, since I couldn't get work done IN my room, I decided to do some crafting FOR my room.  I have a bee theme, so it's all about the bees!

Here is the ceiling tile art I made for myself.  The body is a little bit too big, but it will have to do.  Check out my post from yesterday to see the tiles I made for my friends.  : )

I decided to try out some bee handprints with my own two kids as a trial for my first graders.  I am going to have my mom (retired teacher) come in on the first day to make these with the kids for my skinny bulletin board that goes along the top of my very long white board.  It should be cute when it is finished!

After you attach the head to the large piece of white paper, trim around the whole body of the bee.
Add the wings to the backside of the bee.

I used waxed paper cut into a heart shape for the wings.

Add pipe cleaners with tape on the back of the head.

And for the Grand Finale.  My absolute favorite!  I used wooden letters, scrapbook paper and Mod Podge (that stuff is amazing!).  If you are interested in purchasing these letters or for making a custom request, please visit my Etsy store HERE.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my projects as much as I enjoyed making them!


Mrs. Bee said...

I LOVE them and would definitely buy them!! Thanks for sharing!!

Mrs. Brown said...

Oh I love the sign and the letters! Be sure to let me know how much you would charge....I have some space over my window at the top and I would probably hang these if that would be possible. I would be afraid if they were on my desk, they would never stay together...........LOL, thanks so much and be sure to let me know!

Unknown said...

Those letters are adorable!!!

Lori said...

great craft ideas, thank you for sharing!

Barbara L said...

Love the bee art and the letters!

Grade ONEderful

Miss B said...

Cute! I have lots of bee stuff on my blog! I can't get in my room until the 28th!!!!! I am going crazy since it's a new school!
Miss B, Busy Bee

Nicole Manus said...

Super cute! Thanks for sharing with all of us.


Maria said...

love those letters!! so cute!

maria @

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bees!!! I can't wait to make them with my class on Friday. I have the bee theme in my room too and this will be perfect. Thank you so much!