Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ribbon and Paint and Mod Podge...Oh My!

First, you have to know that I don't really have a crafty bone in my body.  I am not afraid to attempt crafty type stuff, but I have really never cared for the world of crafts...until now.  : )  I saw Abby's ceiling tile art HERE and thought to myself...I could try that AND I need one!!!  I made these two for my teaching partners for their birthdays.  I still need to attach a ribbon for the hanger.    


I am in the middle of making two more.  One for myself (complete with a bee theme) and another for one more teacher friend who has a summer birthday.  I will post them when they are done.  My local big box hardware store donated the tiles (and I didn't even have to bat my eyelashes,, I used tempra paint and hot glued the ribbon around the edges.

Don't laugh when you hear this...I just bought my first bottle of mod podge yesterday!  I have grand plans for it and will also post my creation soon.  I think I have found my place in the craft world.


Mrs. Brown said...

I cannot wait to see your bee themed one! I have made one; not sure I will use it-I have to try stuff out.......but I want to make one for my door and hopefully tomorrow we'll find out who our assistant will be for the year! Anyway, thanks! Kelly

Unknown said...

I won't laugh at you for buying your first bottle of Modge Podge if you don't laugh at me because I didn't know what it was before the world of blogging!
p.s. They look A-MAZ-ING!

Kate Sullivan said...

Just bought my first bottle of Mod Podge this week too! :) Your signs look great!

Barbara L said...

Those are adorable! And I'm not even sure what Modge Podge is (though I've heard of it :)

Grade ONEderful

Unknown said...

Those turned out so cute ! I LOVE the bear!

Andrea said...

Thank you so much my friend! I love my ceiling tile!!! You ARE crafty by the way! :)
