Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fabulous Find!

As I was going through my Google Reader and catching up on posts I have not read yet...I came across a post with the most amazing news!  Michelle from Fabulous in First shared a link to an Etsy store belonging to an artist who supports teachers 100%!  Go check out kpmdoodles and shop till you drop with her sale!  She is offering a free set when you buy two, and two free sets when you buy four!  But gets even better!  Enter TEACHER in the coupon code section when you check out to get 10% off your order!  And...the good news doesn't stop there...she allows freebies on your blog using her art (secured in a pdf) as well as your stuff on TPT for sale!  : )  LOVE!

PS  Don't forget my TPT 20% off lasts till Tuesday!


Jennifer K. said...

Thanks for the heads up! I am trying to compile a list of clip art artists that allow us to share creations freely (especially without buying a license!)

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

Barbara L said...

I love the designs. Thanks for sharing!

Grade ONEderful

Jennifer said...

I love her stuff! I've bought tons of her clip art. Etsy is my fave place to find clip art!

Rowdy in First Grade